I’ve never written code, but I just passed a Google system design interview.

By Kevin Landucci | Published:
System design dial for decision-making

My name is Kevin. I am not and have never been a software engineer. I have never written or tested a single line of code, and I have never even worked as a PM. Despite that, I was able to pass a Google system design interview.

I had just finished working on a system design interview guide and learned a LOT from doing that, but I also learned a few tricks along the way. If these tricks helped me pass, then imagine what you’ll be able to do with them.

How software engineering behavioral interviews are evaluated at Meta (from an ex-Meta manager)

By Lior Neu-ner | Published:
A scale of hire to no-hire confidence

Hi, I’m Lior. I spent close to five years at Meta as a software engineer and engineering manager. During my time there I conducted more than 150 behavioral interviews. In this post, I’ll be sharing what Meta looks for in a behavioral interview, and how we evaluated candidates.

Does communication matter in technical interviewing? We looked at 100K interviews to find out.

By Dima Korolev | Published:

The interviewing.io platform has hosted and collected feedback from over 100K technical interviews, split between mock interviews and real ones. It’s generally accepted that to pass a technical interview, you have to not only come up with a solution to the problem (or at least make good headway), but you also have to do a good job of articulating your thoughts, explaining to your interviewer what you’re doing as you’re doing it, and coherently discussing tradeoffs and concepts like time and space complexity. But how important is communication in technical interviews, really? We looked at the data, and it turns out that talk is cheap. Read on to find out how and why.

We analyzed 100K technical interviews to see where the best performers work. Here are the results.

By Aline Lerner | Published:

At interviewing.io, we’ve hosted over 100K technical interviews, split between mock interviews and real ones. As it happens, we know where our users currently work – they tell us that when they sign up. Given that we have this data AND given that we know how well people do in their interviews, we thought it would be interesting to see which companies’ engineers are especially good at technical interviews. Our resulting top ten lists are in this post!

How do I know if I’m ready to interview at FAANG?

By Atomic Artichoke | Published:

Recently, someone asked us how you know you’re ready to succeed in a Facebook/Amazon/Apple/Netflix/Google (FAANG) interview. It’s an interesting question, and one I’m sure many of you job seekers out there are wondering. Internally, we have our own beliefs, but we wanted to see if we could answer this question more objectively. So we set off on a journey to acquire data to try answering it.

I’ve conducted over 600 technical interviews on interviewing.io. Here are 5 common problem areas I’ve seen.

By Ian Douglas | Published:

I recently conducted my 600th interview on interviewing.io (IIO). I’d like to share lessons learned, why I approach interviews the way that I do, and shed some light on common problem areas I see happen in technical interviews. Every interviewer on the platform is different, and so your results may vary. We have some excellent folks helping out on the platform, and have a wonderful community working to better ourselves.

6 red flags I saw while doing 60+ technical interviews in 30 days

By Uduak Obong-Eren | Published:

What is the one thing you would look out for if you had to join a company? Sometime between January and February 2020, I wanted to change jobs and was looking to join a new company. This, among other reasons, led me to embark on a marathon of technical interviews – 60+ technical interviews in 30 days. Doing that many number of interviews in such a short time meant I had an interesting mix of experiences from the various companies I interviewed with, each with their unique culture and values that often reflected in the way their interviews were conducted, intentionally or not.

We know exactly what to do and say to get the company, title, and salary you want.

Interview prep and job hunting are chaos and pain. We can help. Really.